Spring Bouquet Subscription


8 weeks of beautiful blooms starting in May with the best the garden has to offer, delivered on Tuesdays OR picked up at the Avon Community Farmer’s Market on Sundays. Wrapped in paper, never plastic.

The exact start date will depend heavily on the weather in March and April, but we will aim for Mother’s Day for our first delivery. Watch your email for weekly updates starting in April!

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8 weeks of beautiful blooms starting in May with the best the garden has to offer, delivered on Tuesdays OR picked up at the Avon Community Farmer’s Market on Sundays. Wrapped in paper, never plastic.

The exact start date will depend heavily on the weather in March and April, but we will aim for Mother’s Day for our first delivery. Watch your email for weekly updates starting in April!

8 weeks of beautiful blooms starting in May with the best the garden has to offer, delivered on Tuesdays OR picked up at the Avon Community Farmer’s Market on Sundays. Wrapped in paper, never plastic.

The exact start date will depend heavily on the weather in March and April, but we will aim for Mother’s Day for our first delivery. Watch your email for weekly updates starting in April!